Claudio Jeker wrote:
The reject route only triggers for UDP traffic. So carp (which runs inside
the kernel) and ospfd (uses a raw socket) are not affected. On the other
hand ripd/routed and other tools using multicast over UDP hit that route
and when sending all packets are discrded.

Thanks for the clarification Claudio!

May be a suggestion, a quick addition to man 8 spamd in regards "to enable ip multicast on the systems" might be welcome. I sure overlook that for sure and looking at the man page again. I see no reference to it. Obviously, I should have thought about it, but just didn't. I assume I wouldn't be the only one going forward either.

I prefer to add a specific host route to to let specific
multicast traffic through the box. ripd -- as it already plays around with
the routing table -- add such a route on startup but I think that's
overkill for spamd.

Good inside.

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