> Having Read about computer security, one of the parts that mostly
> called up my atention were the access control mechanisms. I've found
> out that the mechanism used by mostly of the Unix-like systems is DAC
> (Discretionary Access Control) and as I could see OpenBSD fits in that
> mechanism as well. But the literature says that there is a more
> sophisticated mechanism, called MAC (Mandatory Access Control). In my
> studies, all the papers I have read explain that
> MAC is much more sophiscitated that DAC. Thus I would like to know
> from you why OpenBSD does not implement this type of mechanism.

Because it is dumb, and due to it's complexity it impliments a serious
systems lifetime trap for system administrators --- most of who are
not much smarter than a sack of hammers (excluding those of you
reading this, of course).

Look, complexity does not avert risk.  Ever.  Period.

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