Daniel , 

How about Cacti? . Have you succesfully installed with mysql5?
Has ayone?
I'm having all kind of troubles to make it work on mysql5, and 
all recomendations go back to install mysql4


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Daniel Ouellet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Marcos Laufer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <misc@openbsd.org>
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 11:10 PM
Subject: Re: mysql4

Marcos Laufer wrote:
> I'm not sure that the reason mysql4 isn't in the packages is due to lack of
> time
> or resources..
> There must be some other reason, i think this because everytime there are
> more
> and more packages, so removing one that so many people use is kind of weird.


And the keep packages in sync with the OS. The version 4 was there a 
long time ago. Plus it's not the policy of the project to keep multiple 
version of a packages. PHP is an exception as an example, but sooner or 
later you can sure expect to see the PHP 4.x be drop all together for 

> I was thinking about upgrading (by making a fresh install) to 4.1 an old 3.4
> webserver that also runs mysql4, and i had the intention of installing
> mysql4 on
> the new one so no modification on applications are needed.

No change in application would be needed really. Your SQL query are 
still SQL and will work as they are now. New version added new SQL 
functionality, but if you read MySQL, you will see, they didn't drop 
anything. Why would you think it wouldn't work. I see nothing to that 
effect at all. Any specific facts you want to share?

> I can't upgrade the users applications because this server runs at least
> 1000
> websites , the users won't like to modifiy their code, and i am not a
> programmer
> neither.

Nor would you have too. You connect to the database either by sockets or 
TCP connections. As long as your server is setup properly, it does the 
same thing. Again, any facts you want to share to the contrary?

> But if it's not in the packages , i guess i should have to compile it myself
> then.
> I just wanted to know the real reason (maybe there is a security reason) of
> why
> mysql4 isn't included in packages anymore, not just a guess.

Again all explain here, not a guess:


And more specifically, quote "The ports collection is a volunteer 
project. Sometimes the project simply doesn't have the developer 
resources to keep everything up-to-date. Developers pretty much pick up 
what they consider interesting and can test in their environment. Your 
donations can make a difference for testing ports on more platforms."

This statement also work both ways, meaning newer and older version. 
Simply not the resources to keep all possible version, plus it would 
pretty much useless if you asked me, witch I am sure you would disagree 

But no, my first answer wasn't speculations, or guess.



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