Marcos Laufer wrote:
> > You didn't read it and you didn't pay attention to 
> statement in bold 
> > either. I could tell you what to do to fix it, but then you 
> wouldn't 
> > learn from it. If it wasn't explain there, I would be happy to tell 
> > you, but it is there and pretty clear as well.
> Daniel ,
> When i post a message on the OpenBSD misc list it is because 
> one of two reasons:
> 1) I want to report an error i found while testing OpenBSD, 
> and by reporting it i might be helping the project, somebody 
> might be able  to fix it and the OS grows.
> 2) I could be asking for help to the OpenBSD users, as it was 
> this case.
> I know this was not an OpenBSD or MySQL problem, but a 
> configuration problem , and  maybe some other OpenBSD user 
> might  have already been there and willing to help other 
> OpenBSD users to work things out.
> If you are an OpenBSD developer then i must tell you that i 
> understand your 'I could tell you what to do to fix it, but 
> then you wouldn't learn from it' attitude .
> It's logic to think that developers want users to learn how 
> to handle the OS and how to properly use it.
> If you are not an OpenBSD developer, but an OpenBSD user 
> instead , then i must tell you that your 'I could tell you 
> what to do to fix it, but then you wouldn't learn from it' 
> attitude just sucks.
> I was asking for help, i mentioned that this was a production 
> server with 100 databases on it and i was urged to solve it 
> fast. That's why i asked help to other OpenBSD users who 
> might have suffered this problem on a production server and 
> needed to solve it fast.
> But i will take a shot and assume you are just another 
> OpenBSD user, just like me and many others looking for help 
> in this list .
> So , Daniel consider this : Next time i ask for help on this 
> list , my post won't be meant to be answered by you , i now 
> know that you don't have a helping community spirit but a 
> 'bofh' attitude instead probably due to a wannabeadeveloper 
> feeling. If you want to help a user to solve his problems 
> that's just fine, but to talk other users in that tone, to me 
> for example, i won't allow it.
Something you seem to have forgotten.
OpenBSD is done by and for the developers.
According to the priorities and whims of the developers.
There is a difference in the approach and the results
between quick fixes and reasoned rational understanding.
I follow this list because the view is actually more useful 
for non-OBSD systems than the stuff that should be relevant.
Actually this list is extremely helpful and tolerant.

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