On 2007/07/17 16:05, bdz wrote:
> it does not matter if umass(4) is enabled or disabled

ok, I see why now, no need for a quirk there then.

> i got that msg from ubsa(4):
> ubsa0 at uhub2 port 2
> ubsa0: HUAWEI Technologies HUAWEI Mobile, rev 1.10/0.00, addr 2
> ubsa0: Could not find interrupt in

Not sure about that then. On Linux people are suggesting using
the same driver as E600 (which in our case is ubsa) hence my choice
of that driver. It's probably beyond me for now but it may help
others if you could pkg_add usbutils and include the output of
"usbctl -n" (it lists the endpoints which usbctl doesn't).

> ubsa0 at uhub2 port 2
> ubsa0: HUAWEI Technologies HUAWEI Mobile, rev 1.10/0.00, addr 2
> ubsa0: Could not find interrupt in

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