On Mon, Jul 16, 2007 at 10:36:51PM +0200, Matthieu Herrb wrote:
| >        o MUST have two DVI outputs
| >        o MUST be able to drive X with 2x 1600x1200
| >        o MUST be PCIe-16
| >        o SHOULD be passively cooled
| You may try the Matrox G550 PCIe. They are PCIe x1, not x16, but it
| should fulfill all your other constraints.

>From what I can Google, the G550 PCIe does not support 2x 1600x1200
DVI output.

| The work on the new avivo driver for ATI X1xxx chipsets should make
| the situation better in a couple of month, but it won't be imported
| before the OpenBSD 4.2 release. (the nouveau driver should also
| improve things on nVidia hardware, but it requires drm, so it's a
| longer story).

In that case, I could postpone the purchase of one of these (probably
the ATI) until after avivo (or nouveau) are stable enough for my
measily use and use the G550 (with analog connection) until then.

Thanks for your reply, Matthieu. It's a sad state of affairs when it's
basically impossible to buy a videocard that does what you want.

On a related note, do you have any state on the mtx driver ? (for
Matrox P-series video cards)


Paul 'WEiRD' de Weerd


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