On Wed, Aug 08, 2007 at 06:09:16AM -0700, pixotec wrote:
> but I want it for all users:
> 1. could change all .profile-files of all users: no thanx ;-( (and
> change /etc/skel/.profile for future new users)

This would work.

> 2. change /etc/login.conf ???

This would also work (see login.conf(5)).

> 3. create /etc/profile, change all existing .profile of users (to
> source /etc/profile) and change /etc/skel/.profile

As would this.

> 4. change /etc/ksh.kshrc and create .kshrc sourcing /etc/ksh.kshrc
> for all users (and in /etc/skel...)

And this.

> IS THERE A EASY WAY (change only on central file for all users) TO

Well, choose whichever of the above is easiest for you. Based on
your criteria, it seems that modifying login.conf would require the
fewest keystrokes. I prefer to provide a global/site profile or
shell init script and allow users to source it if they'd like, but
that fits my site's policies well; depending on what you do and
where you work, loginf.conf(5) may be more appropriate.


o--------------------------{ Will Maier }--------------------------o
| web:.......http://www.lfod.us/ | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
*------------------[ BSD Unix: Live Free or Die ]------------------*

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