Kelly Martin wrote on 8/08/07 23:58:
> Wondering if anyone has taken the excellent daily and weekly script
> concept used in OpenBSD and tried doing similar on other BSD-based
> OSes, like Mac OS X?

other BSD have it including osx:
$ ll /var/log/ |egrep '(daily|weekly|monthly)'
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel  42604 Aug  8 03:15 daily.out
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel    285 Jun  1 05:30 monthly.out
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel   7405 Aug  4 04:40 weekly.out
but osx does it only with file, not mail

> I'm forced to use some Mac machines and would like to have similar
> "daily insecurity output" style e-mails when integrity of the machine
> changes. I'm looking at true integrity monitoring tools like AIDE as
> well, but they serve a somewhat different purpose.

a little search google & co would find you have mtree in stock osx and
can install aide if you want through macports or fink.

> Thanks in advance... sorry this is not OpenBSD specific but the list
> is misc@ after all... :)

yes, more an osx question ... so off-topic



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