> You want a how-to? Run Linux.

I will run it if it will help to get this piece run with OpenBSD
as a result. There are only two systems supported by OEM: win32
and linux. The object files supplied are for linux only.

> I pointed you not at nut but at some extra information that you showed
> no sign of knowing.

Point taken, you are right.

> The best help you can get when it looks like you have not done enough
> research is a pointer or two so that you find the answers for yourself.
> If you do research and read the man pages and mail archives you'll
> become self sufficient in less time. I AM assuming you have the
> potential to do that. Those who don't seem to wither away in OpenBSD.

While you were typing this, one person have been kind enough
to give me very detailed directions on what to do next. No, wait. Not
one; three persons. Skip the emotions and focus on task.

> There will often be a reason to ask for help. It comes more readily
> when the question is accompanied by evidence of what the person has
> done to get to where s/he is. Often it's then just a clarification
> that's needed, or evidence like log entries will allow a guru to spot
> the problem.

I do not know who you are, but you do not have the guru attitude. I did
include "OT" in the subject. The rest - you are right completely.

I came to misc@ for technical information. If you want to school me, do
not send this noise to misc@, keep it private.

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