
I have routing problems with OSPF. For reasons I don't understand right
now, routing does not get adapted in the right way.

Given are some OSPF speakers in a network /24 and a few dumb(er) boxen
which have subnets of said /24 behind them. There are static routes
pointing from some of the OSPF speakers to the networks behind the dumb
boxen, with these mentioned as the gateway. I have "redistribute
static" in all ospfd.conf's. More often than not, the OSPF speakers
announce those routes with themselves set as the destination, and
sometimes even take away dynamic announcements from other OSPF
speakers, and typically announce "foreign" networks (which are behind
other routers) with themselves as the destination (in BGP speak: "set
nexthop self"). Often, the routing table, as shown with "netstat -rnf
inet", shows the correct route for packets destined for networks which
the machine advetised itself (erronously) as the gateway, but packets
then don't go out the same interface to the real gateway. In OSPF, or
with "route get", the display can be really different and eg. not show
any further hops to the destination. Such things happen every few days,
randomly, and while the network is otherwise completely undisturbed
(ie, nobody's configuring anything, and there are no other "outages",
too).  I'm replacing bogus dynamic routes with static routes, working
towards the abolishment of OSPF, but this is quite undesirable for
other reasons.

Any ideas about how to debug (and solve) this are most welcome!

All relevant are OpenBSD 4.1/i386 -stable, as of May 24th, and a Cisco.



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