On Tue, Sep 04, 2007 at 06:16:35PM -0600, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> As far as I know the 3-term BSD license is totally dead, except in
> NetBSD, where their group still pushes developers to place new code
> under a full 4-term license.  Sometimes we reluctantly include such
> code, hoping that one day this situation can be improved.

The 4 term licence in NetBSD is mostly dead too.  It is not pushed as
desirable at all, it is up to the individual developer to use the
licence they feel appropriate and that seems, more often than not, to
be the 3 term licence.

Not that it matters much but I think the advertising clause is a waste
of time and does make life far more difficult for the people who do
want to comply with the licence conditions - they have to trawl
through all the code and pull out all the individuals that want their
names mentioned.  It made a little more sense when the sources were
under the BSD umbrella but now it's just silly having to list a cast
of thousands in any advertising.

Brett Lymn

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