Constantine A. Murenin wrote:
Most noticeably, I fail to see any credits to Reyk Floeter in the
above press release.

Moreover, back when the release was first posted at the above address,
there was no credit even to the OpenBSD project, which I found simply
outrageous!  Only after I (and possibly others) have complained to
SFLC did they append the release to give some really vague mention
that OpenHAL is based on OpenBSD's ath(4) HAL.

Eben, is this the work that you are doing in bringing the communities
together, by omitting such vital information as giving credit to the
people and projects who performed most of the work?  After all of
these mistakes, after ignoring the ethical side of the relicensing,
after failing to inform when relicensing is even legally an option,
are you seriously even surprised about the negative attention that
SFLC is getting now?  Taking a step aside, don't you agree it is
   It is a press release, and an old one at that.

There is no particular obligation to be fair, complete, or credit everyone with everything. It might have been politically wise - particularly as there are mentions of Linux and other developers to include OpenBSD and Reyk. Of course before posting it they sould have asked for individual
   critiques from every member of the FOSS community.

What the SFLC is trying to do is assure that Reyk get's everything his license requires, everytime
   his work is used or is the basis for a derivative work.
That is not the same as assuring that he gets credit everytime Atheros, Linux, or OpenHAL are mentioned.

In the specific release you are pointing to, the issue the SFLC was resolving was whether the Linux Atheros driver or OpenHAL infringed on Atheros copyrights - a completely unrelated issue to the current dispute.

While only Linux and the Linux wireless system maintainer are mentioned, the SFLC basically cleared the OpenHAL project and probably by implication the BSD Atheros drivers from copyright claims by Atheros. In essence rather than maligning Reyk they have agreed to defend his work should Atheros ever raise a claim, They may not have named him or OpenBSD specifically, but they have placed their impramatur on his work. While credit might have been nice too, the SFLC is basically saying the OpenHAL reverse engineering work was
   well done and does not violate Atheros's copyrights.

The SFLC did Reyk and the OpenBSD community a favor. They did it for free.
   They did it at the request of Linux developers,
and that is who they mentioned in their release.

Dave Lynch                                                  DLA Systems
Software Development:                                    Embedded Linux
717.627.3770           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Over 25 years' experience in platforms, languages, and technologies too 
numerous to list.

"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of 
genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction."
Albert Einstein

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