On 9/20/07, Josh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello there.
> We have a bunch of obsd firewalls, 8 at the moment, all working nice and
> so forth. But we
> need to add about another 4 in there for new connections and networks,
> which means more
> machines to find room for.
> So basically I have been asked to investigate running all these
> firewalls in two big boxes, with lots
> of NIC's, with a bunch of openbsd vritual machines on them. One main box
> for the primary firewalls,
> one for the secondary. Each virtual machine getting its own physical NIC.
> Personally I dont really like the idea, I can see things going wrong,
> lots of stuff balancing on a
> guest os and box.
> Can someone please inform me if this is a really bad idea or not,
> ideally with some nice reasoning?

I don't like the idea of virtualiazing the firewalls either.  It's
just asking for trouble.

What happens when the host OS gets hacked?  Better I think to get some of these:

and some soekris boards.  You'll be able to fit 2 firewalls per 'u'.
Then either use VLANS, or put a nic on each segment.


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