Does know of a BAT2EXE program that produces an EXE which works under wine? First hit on google "bat2exe wine" indicates there is one that works on Linux (written in delphi), but the link is broken.

I've tried several. Some actually create COM (not EXE) files which wine won't run. Others create EXE files that crash in various ways under wine.


Frank Bax wrote:
I installed wine-990225p0 from packages on 4.1 and can run simple programs like sol and notepad. I have an old program I'm trying to run; but this program cannot find it's own files unless the current working directory is set to the directory where software was installed. It seems more recent wine versions support 'bat' files which would solve this; but this doesn't seem to work in this version.

When I try:
    wine c:/XXXX/program.exe
the software complains that it cannot open LIBS\FOXTOOLS.FLL

This file is found at C:\XXXX\LIBS\FOXTOOLS.FLL

Is there a way to run something like this on wine 990225?:
    cd XXXX

If this is not workable on 990225; do current wine versions work on OpenBSD?


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