Hi Everybody,
I am total a noob in OpenBSD so forgive me for my silly question. In real life I have a homemade Intel based Workstation/Server and an old IBM Think Pad laptop both powered by FreeBSD 6.2 stable. I got an old Pentium III made by Del last weekend originally intended for FreeBSD testing purposes (mostly some packages which are not in FreeBSD official port three so I am kind a scared to brake my systems trying to install them).

I recently had some very unpleasant discussion with the sys admin at the University of Arizona (I am a mathematician by profession) about computer security after couple servers running Ubuntu got rooted. These were not our math servers (which run Debian) but never the less I was affected by the event and not very happy about it. Motivated by the whole situation I decided to install OpenBSD (instead of playing with couple FreeBSD applications) which is indisputably the most secure OS on the world and learn little bit more about security issues.

I did quick 10 min ftp installation last Sunday. I was in total shock how easy was to install the system (have to admit that is even easier than FreeBSD). It took me about 4-5 hours to get full working customized, workstations with all gadgets (CD/DVD, printers, MP3 palyers, digital camera, VoIP (fedora package)) plus all my work stuff TeX and related as well as VNC and VPN. The system is one of the most logical and simple things I have ever touched in my life (simple is GOOD). Two thumps up for the developers and grand master Theo. Documentation is in par with the famous FreeBSD Handbook.

Now it comes my idiotic question. During the printer installation I had to change the permission on /dev/lpt0 for CUPS daemon to gain the access. Normally in FreeBSD I would do that either by chmod for /dev/lpt0 device node or by editing /etc/devfs.conf with the line perm /dev/lpt0 0666.

In OpenBSD I did it with a chmod command but I have not noticed that there is anything equivalent to /etc/devfs.conf file in FreeBSD. Is there are equivalent an equivalent file or the things are just different? I noticed that the syntax for starting daemons and rc class of files are little bit different than in FreeBSD but very logical and well documented.

I was shocked that Ogle was able to play DVD out of box despited the fact that HAL doesn't exist (thanks God I wish there was no HAL in FreeBSD as well). I thought that I would have to mount first as udf file system. I do run dbus daemon of course but I thought that would not be enough.

Anyhow, OpenBSD is on my DeLL to stay forever as it is just too good to be removed (I am going to get another $20 box to play with FreeBSD packages)

Lastly, I just out of curiosity has anybody tried to port HPLIP to OpenBSD. I googled and found a few OpenBSD discussions about it but nothing in substance.

Also I noticed that TeXLive is listed (there is an unofficial port list) but not in packages? Could somebody tell me if it is going to be included in 4.2. I am in particular interested in powerdot class of Latex presentation which I had to install manually on FreeBSD (not an easy thing as it requires some extra fonts nor present in current version of TeTeX ported for FreeBSD) (and yes I do know about beamer and ppower4 and they are ported for OpenBSD but I do not give a shit for those two classes).

Predrag Punosevac

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