On Tue, 16 Oct 2007, Sunnz wrote:

Excuse me for my n00bish question, I always have tried the command:

dmesg | mail -s "old p5 rescued from the dump" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

But it always seem like it doesn't work and that I am suppose to
set-up sendmail first? So I ended up copy the dmesg stuff and send it
in my own e-mail client later, which may not always be the best thing
to do.

Has any had a similar experience before?

Some time ago I tried to submit a bug report through sendbug
but couldn't get it through. I didn't investigate much but IIRC
it was because the hostname of the box wasn't valid (missing MX records
or whatever) and the receiving smtp daemon discarded the message.

Antti Harri

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