On Mon, 22 Oct 2007, Edd Barrett wrote:

> Hi there,
> I have an odd one for you here. Im trying to copy music from a hard
> disk(FFS) mounted on /mnt/media. I can play the music with mplayer
> just fine, but cp seems to refuse to believe that the files exist.
> Whats going on?

Does your target dir /mnt/usb exist?

> ---8<---
> # fsck /mnt/media
> ** /dev/rwd1a (NO WRITE)
> ** Last Mounted on /mnt/media
> ** Phase 1 - Check Blocks and Sizes
> ** Phase 2 - Check Pathnames
> ** Phase 3 - Check Connectivity
> ** Phase 4 - Check Reference Counts
> ** Phase 5 - Check Cyl groups
> 50647 files, 14741198 used, 24829133 free (1229 frags, 3103488 blocks,
> 0.0% frag mentation)
> # pwd
> /mnt/media/OGG/devil_sold_his_soul
> # find a_fragile_hope/
> a_fragile_hope/
> a_fragile_hope/at_the_end_of_the_tunnel.ogg
> a_fragile_hope/as_the_storm_unfolds.ogg
> a_fragile_hope/dawn_of_the_first_day.ogg
> a_fragile_hope/awaiting_the_flood.ogg
> a_fragile_hope/between_two_words.ogg
> a_fragile_hope/sirens_chant.ogg
> a_fragile_hope/hope.ogg
> a_fragile_hope/in_the_absence_of_light.ogg
> a_fragile_hope/in_absense_of_light.ogg
> a_fragile_hope/the_starting.ogg
> a_fragile_hope/the_coroner.ogg
> # cp -r a_fragile_hope /mnt/usb
> cp: /mnt/usb/a_fragile_hope/the_coroner.ogg: No such file or directory
> cp: /mnt/usb/a_fragile_hope/as_the_storm_unfolds.ogg: No such file or 
> directory
> cp: /mnt/usb/a_fragile_hope/dawn_of_the_first_day.ogg: No such file or 
> directory
> cp: /mnt/usb/a_fragile_hope/awaiting_the_flood.ogg: No such file or directory
> cp: /mnt/usb/a_fragile_hope/between_two_words.ogg: No such file or directory
> cp: /mnt/usb/a_fragile_hope/sirens_chant.ogg: No such file or directory
> cp: /mnt/usb/a_fragile_hope/hope.ogg: No such file or directory
> cp: /mnt/usb/a_fragile_hope/in_the_absence_of_light.ogg: No such file
> or directo ry
> cp: /mnt/usb/a_fragile_hope/in_absense_of_light.ogg: No such file or directory
> cp: /mnt/usb/a_fragile_hope/the_starting.ogg: No such file or directory
> cp: /mnt/usb/a_fragile_hope/at_the_end_of_the_tunnel.ogg: No such file
> or direct ory
> -- 
> Best Regards
> Edd
> ---------------------------------------------------
> http://students.dec.bournemouth.ac.uk/ebarrett

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