Matthieu Herrb wrote:
> David H. Lynch Jr. wrote:
>>     I have tried to install Gnome on two different machines running
>> OpenBSD 4.2.
>>     The first machine ran Gnome fine under OpenBSD 4.1 (though there
>> were other problems)
>>     One both machines - fresh installs gdm starts I can attempt to logon
>> but I get a fatal error after logging on
>>     and a request to look in ~/.xsession for further information.
> This indicates that your session exited for some reason, probably an
> error in your sessions startup script (.xsession or some thing else in
> gnome case).
>>     after acknowledging X restarts, I can do a failsafe terminal login
>> but nothing else.
>>     I have looked in ~/.xsession as well as the X/gdm logs in /var/log
>> and the rest of the logs and can find no indications of a problem.
>>     A clue would be greatly appreciated.
> Please provide more precise informations, *exact* copies of the error
> messages you see for instance, and more details on what files were
> edited in your home directory.
> Also misc@ or ports@ mmailing lists are more appropriate for this kind
> of questions.
    I was able to trace things further. It failed trying to open
    Somehow despite the fact that I thought i had installed X and gnome,
somethings were missed.
    Unfortunately that lead to a new problem.
    When trying to install/re-install gnome I am getting missing expat
dependency issues all over the place.
    With a bit of force I have been able to get things loaded anyway -
but can't get expat.
    Now it is bombing trying to load - which is not
anywhere on my system.
    I found some messages suggesting that there are libexpat issues with
4.2 though theey sugest I can get it from
     xbase42.tgz but I can not find it there.

    Where can  find libxpat and how can I persuade pkg_add that it is
installed ?

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