On Tue, Nov 06, 2007 at 08:45:43PM +1100, Chris wrote:
| I am trying to upgrade a T60 laptop that detects the HDD as wd0a.
| After booting from the 4.2 base CD my HDD is detected as sd0 and the
| installer does the fsck on sd0a. However, force checking non-root
| filesystem during the installation fails as it fails to detect and do
| fsck on wd0a from /etc/fstab -
| "fsck -fp /dev/wd0a...FAILED. You must fsck /dev/wd0a manually."
| I was wondering if I would be able to boot the new system once I
| upgrade as I will not be upgrading/extracting the new etc42.tgz to
| overwrite the existing /etc/fstab. So when I boot the new system
| /etc/fstab will still be the old fstab and it will not recognize wd0
| and will refuse to boot?
| This has been mentioned here: http://www.openbsd.org/faq/upgrade42.html#ahci
| Any suggestion on this would be much appreciated. Thanks.

I found the easiest way of doing this is booting bsd.rd, choose
'(S)hell' and then :

        mount /dev/sd0a /mnt
        ed /mnt/etc/fstab
        umount /mnt
        enjoy ahci ;)

This is of course after you've installed 4.2. If you're still in the
installer, you can escape to the shell and then fix this, return to
the installer and proceed from there. Good luck ;)


Paul 'WEiRD' de Weerd


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