On 13:44:00 Nov 14, Jacob Meuser wrote:
> IMO vlc has higher quality playback of most media, can do things
> mplayer can't, has a nicer ui, etc, etc ...


Well I am a command line person. 

mplayer cannot understand DVD menus. That is the only problem mplayer
has IMHO.

I honestly tried vlc. But it was too GUI oriented, all sorts of ugly
output like KDE and other C++ junk out there...

Now I again it is my opinion. 

Can you tell me what vlc can do that mplayer can't?

Have you tried to "study" mplayer's man pages, the html documentation
and stuff?

It takes a long time to learn but once learnt you start feeling that it
is the best thing since sliced bread.

This article should give an idea.



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