On Nov 26, 2007 4:11 AM, mickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> poor dude pbly cannot do adding proper in his disklabel...

The 'poor dude' is known for posting smart, mathy, and generally
insightful comics. Try browsing through his comics some.

As for me, the comic was perfectly timed. Last weekend I decided that
rather than doing any of the actual work that I was supposed to be
doing, I would set up my home workstation to dual-boot Windows and
OpenBSD. It's got two physical hard drives on it, so piece of cake.
I'd be done in a few minutes...

Except, for some reason, at some point during the install -- almost
certainly my fault, though I retraced my steps and can't figure out
where -- the OpenBSD installer trashed the disklabel on the Windows

The MBR was still intact, NTLDR would come up, but then it couldn't
find anything to boot. Even better, I didn't have a usable Windows
disk to perform a repair on the file system (it's a second-hand

The workstation was using a WG111 for its network interface, which
OpenBSD doesn't have support for yet because Netgear are punks
sometimes. Wouldn't've been a big deal, except I'd just donated my
last five feet of cat5 to a job last week, and I didn't have the $$
for a network cable that weekend.

It went on like that for a while and I ended up enjoying a very
restful weekend instead of getting any work done.

Monday morning, I was greeted by that XKCD comic.

- R.

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