do you happen to have other CF cards you can test? 

and can you try testing this CF card on other machines?

it should work without giving you the error that you're getting.

> Hello.  I've installed OpenBSD 4.2 on a 512M CF for use with the alix2c2.
> The system boots with problems (but works fine so far) when the CF is
> hooked up in my desktop with an IDE adapter.  The error message I get is
> in the dmesg below.
> But the OS won't even boot in the alix board.  And there's nothing in
> var/log/messages.  A null modem cable is on order for me, so I have no
> info yet through minicom.  The alix board is straight out of the box -
> with whichever bios PC Engines had on it when it was shipped out a week
> ago.
> The lack of anything in /var/log/messages is what tells me the system
> isn't booting.  Also I can ping neither vr0 nor vr1 on the alix.  With the
> same card booted on the desktop I can see the network fine.
> The packages installed on the card (all loaded into /) are bsd,
> base42.tgz, etc42.tgz and man42.tgz only.

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