On Wed, 5 Dec 2007 19:58:59 +0100, Andreas Maus wrote:

>The only service that should (or could,depends on your point of view)
>be allowed from the internet is IMHO the identd service.
>Blocking this service may cause some delay because some mailers and
>irc servers are checking for this service.
>OTOH it may be considered as a security risc to give strangers valid
>usernames. (If you need inetd requests from the outside and dont want
>to give them valid usernames you can install a other identd, e.g.
>oidentd or just a fakeidentd to return an arbitrary username)

Or better still leave inetd running and use its built-in identd and
give it -helo as its flags.
 man identd will tell you why.


A consultant is someone who's called in when someone has painted himself into a 
corner.  He's expected to levitate his client out of that corner.

-The Sayings of Chairman Morrow. 1984.

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