I've just finished updating a 4.2-stable system by following the
instructions at http://www.openbsd.org/anoncvs.html:
  # cd /usr/src
  # cvs -d $CVSROOT -q update -rOPENBSD_4_2 -Pd && echo $CVSROOT 
  ? JT.CVS.timestamp
  ? xenocara
  P etc/bind/root.hint
  P sys/net/pf.c
  P usr.sbin/bind/lib/dns/rootns.c
then rebuilding the kernel, rebooting, and rebuilding userland,
as per

My question is, why is it that the rebuild-userland process doesn't
copy the new /usr/src/etc/bind/root.hint to /var/named/standard/ ?
(I checked, and everything in /var/named/standard/ still has
"Aug 28 17:00" timestamps, and inode-change times from when I
installed 4.2-release before moving to -stable.)

Looking at /usr/src/usr.sbin/bind/lib/dns/rootns.c I can see that
the root-nameservers data is embedded in the source code, but why
is it that we don't keep the /var/named/standard/root.hint file
in sync with this in -stable?  

[My reason for asking is partly idle curiosity (n.b. there's a cat
sitting across the room watching me!), and partly practical:  I also
have a firewall running 4.2-stable, originally installed via
'make release' on my main system, and I'm trying to figure out what
to update on the firewall.  Given the above cvs-update logs, I clearly
need to update the firewall's kernel and /usr/sbin/named, but what
about the firewall's  /var/named/standard/root.hint ?

-- Jonathan Thornburg (remove -animal to reply) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   School of Mathematics, U of Southampton, England
   "Washing one's hands of the conflict between the powerful and the
    powerless means to side with the powerful, not to be neutral."
                                      -- quote by Freire / poster by Oxfam

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