On Dec 13, 2007 7:39 PM, Jeremy Huiskamp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >       Users who can no invest the effort learn enough to use a simple
> > interface do not deserve a reliable operating system. They deserve
> > windows,
> > and they deserve pop up buttong in their browsers that they click
> > ok blindly
> > for everything.
> >
> >       -Bob
> >
> When I read that, it sounded a lot to me like saying "if you're not a
> skilled medical practitioner, you don't deserve decent health care."

No, you misconstrued.

If you aren't skilled medical practitioner, and you can't take basic
precautions in choosing reputable professionals to diagnose and treat
your ailments, then you are at least somewhat liable for the disaster
that can happen as a result. You need to be able to take some personal
stock in the diagnosis that is given you and act responsibly in
getting second opinions if you need to. Good hospitals and good
doctors endorse this "patient takes stock" mentality in treatment. Bad
ones let users remain clueless and shoot themselves in proverbial


If you aren't yourself an auto mechanic, you need to *at least* nail
down basic auto maintenance skills - changing your oil, keeping
coolant up, getting new tires when threadbare etc. You *shouldn't*
complain if you've run your car into the ground at 30,000 miles
because you weren't aware you needed to maintain it yourself or at
least get it in regularly. And you shouldn't complain to loudly when
the auto mechanic recognizes you as a complete idiot and gouges you on
the price. Educate yourself a little bit more about that item you
dropped $40,000 dollars on and protect yourself a little bit more.

These are parallels and don't work perfectly, really, but the point is
that computers cannot keep getting dumber because the users are.
Remember back in the day when it required some amount of skill to be a
computer operator? See the state the Internet is in now that every
moron on Earth is being connected to it, not wanting to have to use,
maintain, or secure their computers responsibly?


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