On Mon, Dec 24, 2007 at 09:19:13AM -0800, badeguruji wrote:
> Hello,

> I am hosting www.fistofiron.com on a home network behind dsl link. i am able 
> to pull up the site on netscape sometimes, and sometimes it gives error 
> (timeout). it is a very small page. i am not sure, if there is some 
> configuration error.
Well do you use ADSL? If one of your links (up- or download) are saturated you 
will see this error.

>  $  lynx -dump https://www.fistofiron.com  
> Looking up www.fistofiron.com
> Making HTTPS connection to www.fistofiron.com
> Retrying connection without TLS.
> Looking up www.fistofiron.com
> Making HTTPS connection to www.fistofiron.com
> Alert!: Unable to make secure connection to remote host.
> lynx: Can't access startfile https://www.fistofiron.com/
Well ... you think this is somehow OpenBSD related why not posting
more info? Did you try it from an internal host? From an external host?
Do you have _ANY_ pf related rules installed? If yes post these rules.

The usual questions:

 - can you ping the host (without packet loss?)
 - is your lynx SSL-aware?
 - what does openssl s_client -host www.fistofiron.com -port 443

This is somehow OpenBSD related, isnt it ?



P.S.: Oh and merry christmas ;)

Windows 95: A 32-bit patch for a 16-bit GUI shell running on top of
an 8-bit operating system written for a 4-bit processor by a 2-bit
company who cannot stand 1 bit of competition.

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