Richard Stallman wrote:
    In the case of hardware, it would mean it is too expensive to copy...
    which it could be... so does that mean freedom to copy something
    became irrelevant as the cost of copying becomes relatively expensive?

When something is impractical to copy, then the question of whether we
are free to do so is purely academic, and I see no reason to fight
about it.  When something is feasible to copy, then the question of
whether we are free to do so makes a real difference.

This is an academic issue for now, and it is not easy, or possibly even possible to have open hardware at this point, however, right and wrong should never be tempered by this. If it's wrong to have closed software, it should be wrong to have closed hardware. (especially since the line between hardware and software is very blurred these days)

Should you do more then say that, maybe put a webpage encouraging open hardware development? Probably not, you're right, your time is too valuable to push it.

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