Could anyone enlighten me about how Mozilla Firefox security updates are implemented in OpenBSD?

I notice that the version of Firefox I am using in OBSD is whereas the latest versions on Windows and Ubuntu are both, and several security vulnerabilities are present in In my version of Debian (Etch) Iceweasel is at version but I note from the Mozilla site that the update doesn't include any security fixes whereas does include security fixes.

Updates to Firefox are pretty regular things at present and if you are running Windows they always seem to emphasise the need to update as soon as a fix is announced, presumably meaning that vulnerabilities could well be exploited quickly.

In Windows updates are downloaded from within the running program, in Ubuntu via the usual software update process (binary updates - either apt-get, aptitude or Synaptic). I presume the OBSD team are only concerned with updates to the basic OS and package updates are handled by the package developers.

I can find the source of on Mozilla's site. Can I assume I must use this and compile it myself? I have had a look at the ports source on the UK mirror site and it is dated 1 Sept 07 so I presume this includes only and there is no port later than this. I am out on a limb regarding implementing in source form - what do other people do?


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