Marc Espie wrote:
I have the beginning of a port of k3b. There are just a lot of things
in the realm of cd/dvd handling that need porting. It's not just a few
patches, and it will work.

That is a great news! I am sure that it is much more difficult than I anticipated because of the way OpenBSD is handling various devices
comparing to  Linux.  I bet  my life  that  the  program is Linux-centric.
Please see the messages I exchanged with Jacob Mauser. He was a very concern about specific library needed for compilation (which is not listed on official web-site) and not available for OpenBSD.

Can you get K3b compiling at least on your machine? Does it work? Can you cut the simplest CD or DVD ISO.

Most Kind Regards,
Predrag Punosevac

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