On Fri, 18 Jan 2008 15:14:05 +0000 (UTC)
Alexey Vatchenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 2008-01-18, Tony Abernethy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Alexey Vatchenko wrote:
> >> On 2008-01-18, Douglas A. Tutty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> > On Thu, Jan 17, 2008 at 06:24:16PM -0700, Clint Pachl wrote:
> >> >> If you want security, get rid of X.
> >> >> 
> >> > Even if it's OpenBSD's X?  The one that you need should you need to
> >> > build any ports (including if you follow current and need 
> >> security fixes
> >> > to any ports)?
> >> 
> >> http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=114738577123893&w=2
> >
> > Making X and no-X versions of everything has gotta be a pain.
> > The security problem with X is that the (blobby?) video 
> > card has got better access to memory than the OS.
> The problem is not in blobbyness (all drivers that come with OpenBSD are open
> sourced), the problem is that the userland program (X server) has access to 
> the
> things that must be allowed only to kernel.
> -- 
> Alexey Vatchenko
> http://www.bsdua.org

I assume that anything I run X on is "insecure".  In fact, I don't believe
you can keep anything meaningful secret.  Just the same, I use OpenBSD 
because it offers a more stable platform, not because I've got dirty
underwear to hide.


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