Kyrylo Klimakov wrote:
...[snip the same ol' libexpat stuff]...
> I think that such behavior of the installer could be treated like a
> bug and package
> xbase42 should be moved to required section or at least in the
> installation documents
> should be described such trouble.
> What do you think about?

I think you should read the instructions that were scattered
everywhere we could think to put them:

The last one is a bit weak, but I think you will find the rest are
making it pretty clear that this has been recognized as a major
problem and will be fixed for the next release (and, in fact, has
long been so:

So, ignoring things that can't be changed, the release
documentation that is already on the CD and in the release, where
do you wish us to make these changes?

Original plan was to chop up the developers responsible for this,
tattoo a note about it on each piece and mail the bits to people
who bought the CD sets, but the postal service objected to this.
There was also some question about the long term impact on the
sales of CDs, so plastering it all over the website was considered
a reasonable alternative. ;)

(Slightly more seriously: Theo himself charged me with making sure
this was plastered all over the things people would be looking at,
and told me to make it clear it was an error, and would be fixed
for the next release.  upgrade43.html will include a bit about
removing xbase42.tgz if you had to install it for 4.2)


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