On Tue, Jan 29, 2008 at 07:38:59PM +0100, Zbigniew Baniewski sez:
> On Tue, Jan 29, 2008 at 10:40:06AM -0600, Denny White wrote:
> > Though warned not to test on the list,
> > The rascal just couldn't resist.
> If you mean me - thanks, Danny; I love you too.
> 1. Any test messages, which I've sent, reached the list several hours (some
> even more than 24) after submission - and I had no idea at all until then,
> that it'll finally appear on the list.
> 2. Any "warnings" I've received - I've received several hours *after* I've
> sent last message.
> 3. I really don't know any other way to test, whether the mail will reach the
> list, than... to just send it to the list. Perhaps you - smart guy, as I can
> see - will tell me different way "to test access to the list without sending
> anything to the list".
> > As test messages grew,
> > It was found that the crew,
> > On misc@ were all really pissed!
> 4. It's really a pity, that *all* (?) of you prefer to see my difficulties
> as some kind of "bad will" or "list abuse"; and nowhere could I see a
> message like: "perhaps he needs some help?". I don't want to believe, this
> is usual attitude among OpenBSD community members. Really unbelievable.
> 5. What a nice, helpful and kind man you are, "dennyboy". Your mother should
> be so proud, indeed.
> Just out of curiosity: what really a difference can you see between my tests
> - and this, for example, thread, whish is just about nothing ("limericks")?
> I can see at least one: I *had* to make some tests, I was in contact with
> the list admin - but you don't have to show off here, with your "poetry".
> Seems, you want to.
> That's the second - and last - explaining from my side. I want to add,
> that such (over)reaction of several persons is very disappointing to me.
> -- 
>                               pozdrawiam / regards
>                                               Zbigniew Baniewski

Life is full of disappointments, kiddo! Get used to it.
Like Darren, humor tickles my fancy,
Now it's evident it can sometimes be chancy.
You dropped quite a bomb by dissing my Mom,
Like Frank Barone says, "get over it, Nancy!" ;)


Denny White

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