hmm, on Wed, Jan 30, 2008 at 03:29:46PM +0100, Stefan Kell said that
> "flashboot", see "";. There are 
> binary
> images available at "";. "zcat GENERIC-RD.image | 
> dd
> of=/dev/sd0" under Linux on the eee should give you a bootable USB-Stick
> (/dev/sd0 as an example). But I didn't try this myself.

i am trying to make this one work.  but i dont know how the openbsd dd
example translates into the linux one, there is no 'c' for all disk.
if i do a

# zcat image | dd of=/dev/sdd

linux fdisk reports an invalid partition table.
i tried to create an a6 bootable partition and then

# zcat image | dd of=/dev/sdd1

but neither of these boot.  the second one hangs, the first one
gives a partition error...

could someone please upload somewhere a basic install or just bsd.rd
as an image already installed on the media?  and the linux dd/fdisk
dance around it?

pi seconds is a nanocentury.

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