Hello Sherwood,

On Wed, 30 Jan 2008, Sherwood Botsford wrote:

Now, the problem:
In accessing any web page, say


squid replies with a bad URL message saying that it can't
retrieve /path/to/file.html. The http:// prefix and the domain name are stripped out.


Relevant section of pf.conf.  Pixel should be 'any' but
this version limits the problem to a single host.  All other
hosts are non-proxied.  $lan is the internal interface.
# squid redirection

rdr  on $lan inet proto tcp from pixel to any  \
        port www -> port 3128
pass in quick on $lan inet proto tcp from any to \
       port 3128 keep state #label "web"

You obviously try to install a transparent proxy. This works only if
your WEB-clients use http-protocol 1.1. Notably Microsoft Internet
Explorer uses http 1.0 which does not send the hostname in the GET
request. This leads to your symptoms. A transparent proxy is probably
not a good idea, better is to enter the proxy definition in the browser
preferences or use automatic proxy detection via WPAD.
More on this via Google or your preferred search engine, looking for
"ie wpad.dat" or similiar. One additional note: there is a known problem
with Microsoft internet explorer, it might use "wpad.da" as filename.


Stefan Kell

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