On Feb 3, 2008 10:22 AM, johan beisser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You may hit space or enter.

I did but looks like it just hangs in there - jammed. Nothing happens.

> Sometimes it just has to wake up. Cisco,
> by default, uses 9600 8,N,1 if i remember correctly.

Yes. You are right.

> Is there any dmesg output related to the USB serial controller?

Yep. Here's /var/log/messages output -

Feb  3 10:19:57 red /bsd: uplcom0 at uhub1 port 2
Feb  3 10:19:57 red /bsd:
Feb  3 10:19:57 red /bsd: uplcom0: Prolific Technology Inc. USB-Serial
Controller, rev 1.10/3.00, addr 2
Feb  3 10:19:57 red /bsd: ucom0 at uplcom0


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