
If i understood correctly all your stuff behind pf firewall is in the subnet and when trying to access your webserver from one of the workstations it doesnt work. My guess is that you are using public nameserver which resolves webserver's name to the ip address which is your firewall's public address and thats because packets aint getting from internal clients to the destination. Here could be two solutions

1. use separate name resolution for internal clients, so that when resolving your webservers name, they get Then traffic doenst even go thru firewall between clients and webserver, they can communicate directly.

2. rewrite packets in firewall. Essentially you need to rewrite src ja dst addresses of the packets that come from local clients into the firewall so that firewall routes them to the and replies get routed back. It could be done with the similar rules

rdr on $int_if proto tcp from to web.server.public.ip port 80 ->
no nat on $int_if proto tcp from firewall.internat.ip to
nat on $int_if proto tcp from to port 443 -> firewall.internal.ip

rdr says to write dst address, and nat says to rewrite src address. no nat says not to touch packets that originate from firewall itself.

This should be done along the lines of


3. make your workstations use some http proxy from public internet

In term of traffic generation and speed the last options is worst but requires least effort, second is better and first is the best.

I hope i didnt mix something inadverntanly up!

Best regards


PS First of all you could just try to access your webserver with its ip address instead of domainname, or put temporarily into one of your unix laptop's /etc/hosts line like that and test webservers.domainname

Bales, Tracy wrote:
I have the following network configuration:

Internet....Firewall....Network Switch....Web-Server

Windows XP Desktop #1

Windows XP Desktop #2

Windows XP Desktop #3

Wireless AP.....Windows XP Laptop #1

Windows XP Laptop #2

Ubuntu Laptop

Windows XP Work Laptop

My firewall is a Sun Netra X1 running OpenBSD 4.2 Stable, and has pf
with NAT and RDR rules and I have dhcpd running on the internal network
on the subnet.

My web-server is a Sun Netra T1 running OpenBSD 4.2 Release.  My
firewall assigns a fixed IP address via DHCP to the web-server which is

My wireless access point is a DLink 800+.  My firewall assigns a fixed
IP address via DHCP to the access point which is

Here's my dilemma.  All of my desktops and laptops can access the
internet including accessing a VPN server for my work laptop.  BUT I
CANNOT access my internal web-server at!!!

I've looked on the internet for pf rules but they only offer solutions
that can access either the internet or the web-server only but not both.

****I've looked at the OpenBSD pf FAQ and tried the inetd(8) with nc(1)
suggestion but...it blocks web access to the internet.

****Does anyone have a suggestion on how I can get my desktops and
laptops to get access to the internet AND my web-server?

Here's my pf.conf setup that allows all of my desktops and laptops to
get to the internet but not my web-server...

# macros

# scrub
scrub in

# nat
nat on $ext_if from !($ext_if) to any -> ($ext_if:0)

# redirection
rdr on $ext_if proto tcp from any to any port 80 -> $web_server

# filter rules
block in
pass out keep state
antispoof for { lo $int_if }

## take care of lo traffic
pass quick on lo all

## block inet6 traffic
block in quick inet6

## block broadcast noise
block in quick on $ext_if from any to

## take care of VPN
pass in quick proto gre all
pass out quick proto gre all

## pass out all UDP connections and keep state
pass out on $ext_if proto udp from ($ext_if) to any keep state

## pass out all ICMP connections and keep state
pass out on $ext_if inet proto icmp from ($ext_if) to any keep state

## pass SSH traffic to firewall
pass in quick on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to ($ext_if) port 22
flags S/SA keep state

## pass web traffic to web_server
pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to $web_server port 80 flags
S/SA synproxy state

## pass everything else
pass in quick on $int_if

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