Landry Breuil(e)k dio:
On Feb 5, 2008 9:49 AM, Jon Garate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello people @ misc,
I've successfully built both the -stable base system and the X system
(xenocara) and I'm trying to setup GDM properly to combine with XFCE4.
Right now, XFCE4 works after issuing startx command (I've configure
.xinitrc properly apparently).

with /usr/local/bin/startxfce4 i suppose ?

I've done some research in the net and everywhere I could but I don't
seem to get it working through GDM login. Can anybody shed some light in
setting up .xinitrc/.xsession or whatever files I need to get it running

See, section 'Setting up GDM'


Thanks, I already knew the startxfce4 method., which manually works. I've also taken a look at xfce's wiki site and tried setting Xfce.desktop in the folders mentioned, which didn't work. I also tried including Xfce.desktop in /usr/local/share/xsessions/ (which is where gnome.desktop is located) and configured it with the same permissions as gnome.desktop, still no success. I also tried setting "exec startxfce4" in both .xinitrc and .xsession files with proper permissions, guess what, no success. GDM keeps trying gnome(fail), then gnome failsafe(fail) and then xterm failsafe. Looks like some permissions of some file aren't correct but I just can't figure out. I include my Xfce.desktop file in here, just if it helps:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Xfce 4.4 Session
Comment=Xfce 4.4 Session


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