On 11/03/08 09:35 AM, Henning Brauer wrote:
* Dongsheng Song <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-03-11 07:39]:
Before jvm use the mpm model like apache2, or OpenBSD implement kernel
level pthreads, I don't think there will have many java developers
using OpenBSD as their native platform.

wow. that statement  is utter bullshit.

I know several people developing java stuff on OpenBSD. why not? it works just fine.

We run serveral very very loaded java application servers on OpenBSD for customers. They work just fine - while they had regular problems on every other platform they have tried, including linux. They outperform any other platform they have used before _easily_.

But, you know, java on OpenBSD, that doesn't work. Rrrrrright.

I so wish people would just shut up when they have nothing to say.

I haven't pushed java on openbsd nearly so hard as Henning's example, but I did write some fairly highly threaded java code for a distributed computing course on openbsd once and it worked just fine. However, contrary to the above experience, it also worked just fine when I ran it on the linux machines in the cs lab :)

Eclipse ran a hell of a lot faster with 512M of ram on my openbsd machine than it did on my os x machine with 1G too.

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