On 2008-03-17, Dave Beckstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have an OpenBSD 3.3 transparently bridged packet filtering firewall.   

It's had a good long run, but please update this 5-year old system
which you have in a *security* role...

> I am finding conflicting information on what ports/protocol to open up.
> Microsoft is saying protocol ID 47 and TCP port 1723 both inbound and
> outbound.  If that's true, then something like the following should work:
> pass in quick on ext_if proto 47 from any to any
> pass out quick on ext_if proto 47 from any to any
> pass in quick on ext_if proto tcp from any to any port 1723 keep state
> pass out  quick on ext_if proto tcp from any to any port 1723 keep state

Don't forget to pass traffic on the internal interface.

On 2008-03-17, Peter N. M. Hansteen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>                                     There is work going on now that
> might solve this soon (as in patches on tech@, may turn up in
> snapshots soonish)

It's OK through a normal packet filter, and a single user behind a
NAT is also OK. PPTP only needs to be proxied when you have more than
one concurrent endpoint behind a NAT.

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