SchC6berle DC!niel wrote:
> Just a couple of nitpicks:
>  -  I don't think you gain anything with noatime and async on a mfs (useless)

Thanks.  That was an artifact of porting from the old HD-based mount.

>  - /etc/rc mounts / rw, it's not enough to specify ro in /etc/fstab. You have
> to either: a) modify /etc/rc, or b) remount / ro in rc.local

On which system?  The ones I have, -STABLE 4.2 GENERIC for i386,
/etc/fstab is enough by itself.  / comes up ro from this:

        /dev/wd0a / ffs ro 1 1

>  - no need for a "fake" /var, just use the real /var for mfs

That's what I thought at first.  However, I have a small handful of
applications which expect a number of directories to exists (and with
specific owners and permissions).  The fake /var has all the necessary
directories and a few files I which to stock as default.  So it was
necessary to add the -P option to the mfs mount for /var.

Obviously this is not the case for all possible setups, but for my use
it was.

>  - it's useful to have a rw /home - it's the only rw thing on my CF

Yes it is.  My solution was to symlink /home to a subdirectory on one of
the mfs partitions.  Anything profound can always be synced before
shutting down.  I'm not sure how many more years (or months) it will be
before CF is as fast as the currently available HDs, but right now the
ones I have are fairly slow even for reading. Writing is very slow.


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