The first Technology Meeting at Isla Cristina city will take place
on April 3rd and 4th, 2008 at Isla Cristina, near Huelva, Spain.
This two days event will be a good oportunity to talk to developers
and users of some of the most important free software projects.
There will be three workshops on the first day.

On the BSD land, probably what we are more interested in, the speakers
will be Julio Merino Vidal (NetBSD) and me (OpenBSD).

A more detailed description of this event (in spanish) is available here:

(index.html is a good framework for testing flash on OpenBSD...)

I am working on a set of slides in english.  I will be glad to speak
in english if someone requires it.

There are no access restrictions to this event, but it is advisable
for assistants to register before the event starts.


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