It took me a minute, but I'm guessing you mean their cigarettes and
not their arses...  :-)

On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 7:42 AM, Pau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Richard was here (universitat autrnoma de Barcelona) last Monday
>  I went to his "talk", just out of curiousity.
>  It was interesting. Not what he said, which was the old same story
>  (and he dared to do it in Spanish, which made everything worse -my
>  English is way muuuuch better).
>  I say it was interesting because gnu/linux was the first thing I
>  discovered, when I left windows, some... 10? years ago (I was "using"
>  windows 3.11 last time I did) and I found incredible that you could
>  tell your computer to do something _you_ wanted.
>  I found everything amazing, and I became a fanboy of gnu/linux. Later
>  I saw The Light ;)
>  Well.. listening to Richard talking about the freedom of code etc, in
>  the way he did it: arriving 15 minutes later and making ~200 people
>  wait, burping and belching many times, because he had drunk two
>  teapots, and he also interrupted the talk asking aloud for a cloakroom
>  and explicitly asking a prof. to take him to it, not taking into
>  account that he had talked for more than two hours with long breaks
>  due to his insufficient expertise in Spanish etc etc... made me
>  thought of those years when I was a teenager.
>  I would very probably have loved "his way" (and I have to admit that
>  it's fine to be a bit rude from time to time to big bosses in general,
>  if you can afford it, but not to the students). But this time I
>  didn't.
>  (gnu)Linux is something like a teenager. It lacks maturity. That
>  "talk" was a wonderful metaphor of it.
>  I wonder... probably a bit of publicity of the like (a public talk,
>  but in a proper way) wouldn't hurt much to OpenBSD. I am almost sure
>  that it should not be a problem to invite somebody to give such a talk
>  and I, personally, would be very happy to see it happening...
>  anyway...
>  By the way, I love the small butts the nurses that are carrying the madgnu
>  wear
>  (in the last panel of the comic strip)
>  Pau Amaro Seoane
>  2008/4/11, Leonardo Rodrigues <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Yeah, that was a loooong thread. Quite funny too hehe.
>  >
>  >  It's good to see that the artwork is as good as ever =)
>  >  Keep up the good job!

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