Hi folks,
For a variety of reasons and features, I'd like to install the
apache-httpd-2.2.4.tgz package. As a side note, I tried to install it
on OpenBSD 4.2, and there are a few package dependencies it apparently
is missing (at least on my box, which runs 4.2 without X) because the
install fails.


1.) Is there a "correct" way to uninstall the default Apache 1.3 that
ships with OpenBSD? I can't use a "pkg_delete..." can I?
2.) Maybe I don't need to? If I don't uninstall the original Apache,
will the new version overwrite the 1.3 version?
3.) Do I need to chroot the Apache 2.2.4 or will the "default" install
set it up that way?

Thank you,

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