On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 6:50 AM, bofh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  As others have mentioned - postgresql.  Superior database, scalable above 8
>  cpus, unlike mysql.  And everything comes with it, unlike mysql, where you
>  have to pay for "enterprise features" (at least 4.x, no idea about 5.x).
>  If you want to run it on a default openbsd box - apache 1.3.
>  On language - remember, PHP's design goal (as late as v3) was for complete
>  non-programmers to be able to pick it up and write programs immediately.
>  You can imagine how that can cause issues for security.  Most libraries or
>  add-ons you install for PHP require you to run in insecure mode.  PHP is the
>  opensource answer to visual basic, in the "yes, we can create absolute
>  insecure crap too" sense.  If you want to do something similar to what
>  openbsd is doing, use C.

IMHO, C is not very easy to pick up for a started, and is not very
well suited for web-development (well, yes, there are web apps in C,
but they are exceptions than the norm). I strongly recommend python,
as I find it easier to learn and get productive. Plus it allows you to
use object orientation, once you are comfortable with it.


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