Douglas A. Tutty wrote:
> Can anyone see a problem with using CF cards in a removeable CF/IDE
> adapter for daily/weekly/monthly backup cycle?  Note: not for 30-year
> archive or anything, just for backup.
> I'm thinking it would fill the niche between DVDs and a tape drive and
> not have the throughput requirements for use on an older box.
> Doug.

As was already pointed out, you will have issues with changing media
unless you go with USB..or unless you can power down machines to change

Other than that, there are some basic things that any backup system
needs to be able to do:
  Able to store data
  Able to recover data
  Able to hold enough data to be useful
  Removable from the machine and taken off-site.
  Able to be rotated between media
  Sufficient speed to work in your backup window

CF wins on "ability to be taken off-site".  I've dropped 'em in an
envelope to mail 'em to people before with just standard letter
postage.  (yeah, not exactly secure, of course).

My initial response is "CF or other flash media is too small and slow
for general purpose backups".  BUT not everything is general purpose.
For firewalls or DNS servers or many other applications, you can
store hundreds of copies of all the most critical data on a 4g flash
(and of course, 4g is a "small" flash device anymore...).  Heck, for

  Make sure you really rotate your media (probably better than usual
for flash, since it is relatively "cheap" media).
  Make sure whatever you do will allow you to change the media (bigger
issue for flash than tape, since IDE interface will require a
  IF you use the IDE interface, consider using a third party IDE
adapter, since the machine BIOS will often get annoying every time
you power up the machine with a different CF attached (Compaqs are
horrible about that...  "Hey, look a new hard disk.  Hit F1 to
reward me for being so observant!  Or don't if you like this pretty
message to stay on your screen")

General purpose?  No.
For PARTICULAR purposes?  Sure, why not?


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