On 4/9/08, Theo de Raadt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sale of the items on that page do not fund the project.  Sale of those
> items does not even cover the cost that Austin and I paid our artist
> to draw the pictures for those items.
> Just keep that in mind please.
> From time to time I have toyed with the idea of producing OpenBSD-related
swag, and either donating it to the project outright or selling it myself
with "donation = revenue - cost".  I'd have to use some outside vendor and
face the same production costs that Theo and the project do (CafePress,
anyone?).  Is this something that can be handled in a decentralized manner,
or do you prefer that everything be kept under the same roof as the
CD/Poster/etc. sales?  What would give the OpenBSD project the most benefit
while populating our lives with more Puffy-branded merchandise?

JC Crutchfield

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