First, Theo, thank you for your work to keep non-free drivers out of
free operating systems. I am a die-hard GNU, however I really respect
your work and applaud you for giving you time. Every push counts.

Does someone have a list of companies (model numbers included) that have
produced free drivers for their hardware? I'm making yet (another) fork
of Ubuntu named Gridnix, for those who want a completely free server OS
that lends well to virtualization and clustering.

I hope to say on our website, if you use "such and such, our OS won't
work for you, go away and complain to your hardware manufacturer."

My hope is that my ideals do not get in the way of productivity. I don't
re-license code, I don't preach and I don't argue. I'm just hoping to
gather some information. 2/3 of the patches that I've submitted (and
were accepted) have been under the modified BSD license. 

Hopefully, someone can help :) 

Monkey + Typewriter = Echoreply ( )

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