On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 2:24 AM, Theo de Raadt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Perhaps some who watch the commit logs have already figured out that
> most of the network developers are currently involved in a week-long
> network hackathon in Japan.
> A bit more information about this can be found at
> http://openbsd.org/hackathons.html#n2k8
> We are in a rather old hotel with an onsen in a seaside village, but
> even with all the local distractions, the developer's noses are mostly
> stuck in the code.  There are lots of commits happening to the network
> parts of the tree.  Many future projects are being worked on too.
> We would really like to thank Mark Uemura for putting us up in this
> location and doing so much preparation and setup for the event.

Really cool.
I haven't kept an eye on the cvs logs so haven't noticed this. Very
nice that more specific hackathon are being held.
Keep up the good work and we look forward to test all kind of new stuff!!



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