Michael Dexter wrote:
>>here's a better idea:
>>just use a standard install.  It is very difficult to buy a <1G flash
>>media anymore that isn't covered in dust, so it is hard (if not nearly
>>impossible) to justify building a crippled system anymore.
> Nonsense. Many "new" embedded boards have limited flash memory soldered on.

Which Jetway product (see OP) would that be?

Yes, there are people with very specialized HW that might benefit from a
system based on OpenBSD code but drastically altered.  Those people
generally know who they are and what they are in for.  They generally
don't show up on OpenBSD mail lists asking for help (though they often
show up offering diffs).  The existence of these people with these
projects does not mean it is an appropriate solution for people with
relatively ordinary PCs capable of doing things in a very simple,
effective and supported way simply by using commonly available low-cost

I think most of the developers are tired of seeing people shoot
themselves in the foot then show up on the list complaining about blood
loss.  Pointing out that some people might have a justification for
inflicting pain upon themselves only encourages harmful behavior.


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