I just found the following doing ps -auxw:

root 10526 0.0 0.2 500 1052 ?? S 6:19PM 0:00.01 ftpd: zeus.eanet.cz: [priv pre-auth] (ftpd) _ftp 10361 0.0 0.2 504 924 ?? S 6:19PM 0:00.00 ftpd: zeus.eanet.cz: connected: USER admin (ftpd) root 27896 0.0 0.2 500 1052 ?? S 6:19PM 0:00.01 ftpd: zeus.eanet.cz: [priv pre-auth] (ftpd) _ftp 253 0.0 0.2 504 928 ?? S 6:19PM 0:00.00 ftpd: zeus.eanet.cz: connected: USER admin (ftpd)

What should I make of this? I immediately killed ftpd. Is this a successful break-in or just an attempt?
I will be carefully looking around the system right now.

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